I’ve got 4 books going on right now.
Closer than Your Skin by Susan D. Hill – Susan sent me a copy of this book a few weeks ago before it released. I’m about halfway through it and so far, so good. The book is very anecdotal in nature, which really works in this case. Susan seems to be more concerned with giving honest accounts of her own experiences than making profound statements about the nature of God. It’s a refreshing change from most Christian non-fiction. She’s basically saying, “Here’s what intimacy with God looks like in my life” as opposed to “here’s what it should look like in yours.”
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – I’m more than halfway through this classic, as you can see. I found it a bit slow at first, but I warmed up to it fairly quickly. So much has been said about this book, that I won’t even try to add anything to the noise…at least not until I finish it.
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – A book on writing that I am really getting a lot from. Lamott writes with her usual candor and wit about writing, something that I am trying to dig into more and more this year. Her thoughts on writing for the sake of writing, and not for the sake of being published, have already had a major impact on my mindset as I work towards finishing my book. This one is my favorite book to pick up at the moment.
Sex, Sushi, and Salvation by Christian George – I received a copy of this book last week from a promotional firm trying to generate some buzz for this new author. (Melissa found me through my Burnside connections). I haven’t made it past the introduction yet, but I like the premise of the book and look forward to getting into it.
I’ll try to write up some thoughts on all these as i finish them…