folks have been asking if we’ll be traveling for the holidays or not, and the answer is no. we spend Christmas in MA every other year, and this year we’ll be here in Pennsylvania. It’s nice to change it up like that i think. the kids are excited to be home on christmas morning and then to go to Nana and Poppop’s house for lunch. We’ll be heading up to MA in early January for more christmas fun…at least that’s the plan right now…
what else is new…
+ my bro-in-law Chad and I cut a video last night for the “Grinch Offering” that our church is taking during our community christmas eve service. We’re hoping to raise $6000 for a ministry called Children of the Most High that ministers to orphans and widows in Zambia, Africa. If we can raise the six grand, it will help them finish the clean water well they have started, and provide 200 sweaters for the children the ministry supports. I’m excited to be a part, and cutting the video was fun. Chad is a whiz with Final Cut Pro, and thankfully it only took me one or two takes to get down each part. I wrote the verbiage at 4pm and he had finished putting the video together at 9pm. not bad for 5 hours! if i can get the video up on youtube, i’ll link to it.
+ we got our christmas cards in the mail the other day. you should be getting one tomorrow or saturday if you’re on our list. (b watts, you need to email me your new address). as always, i couldnt resist from photoshopping in something hidden into the picture before it went to press. i also had to make a huge photoshop revision to the photo because someone couldnt manage to make a nice face. i wont say who though.
+ You know how Brizilian soccer players go by just one name? well you can too. Here’s how mine turned out:
+ in the next couple of weeks i’ll be recapping the CDs i enjoyed the most this year and the books that i read this year. looking forward to that.
+the fitness center at my workplace opened this week. it’s really nice and i plan on using it a few days a week. if there’s one thing you need to remember about 2008, it’s that you better not make me angry. i might just kick your butt with all the new muscles i’ll be sporting.
+ progress on the book is coming along great. i’ve got it about half-written (maybe more) and the proposal is being reworked this week based on some comments i’ve received from people i trust. once the holidays are in the rear-view mirror i plan on sending the revised proposal out to some key folks who have connections to see what they think. i’m trying to keep hope up and expectations low, but it’s hard sometimes when you get excited about something. my goal is still to create a great book, not to get published, so in that sense, i think i am on my way to my goal. we shall see…