pinstriped demon

johnny damon, go play for the yankees. and when you come back to fenway, the only way you’re not going to hear the boos is if you shove some of the Hundreds in your ears. I applauded your efforts in bringing us a championship in 2004, and i will always appreciate it. But when you show up in Boston in those pinstripes (although NY’s road unis are solid gray…trivial detail), i will be among the many showering you with boos. And don’t worry, I’m not too naive to think that my jeers will somehow ruin the 52 million dollars, the incredible exposure of playing in NYC, the fact that you’ll have to cut your hair and shave your beard (which will bring more exposure), and all that. I imagine you won’t even care. And maybe that’s why this was the best thing after all. If you are the type of guy who would go play for the yankees, then i don’t want you on my team. Paging Jeremi Reed and Coco Crisp…