The Last 3 Days

Well, here I am, back at work on a Monday morning with no vacation days in sight. I haven’t worked a full week in about a month, so it will be good to get back into the swing of things here (at least, that’s what I keep telling myself between sips of this rat poison. no i kid…it’s good to be back)

I’ll quickly catch you up on the last 3 days of my life, even though you couldn’t care less.


+ woke up in Virginia Beach for the 2nd straight day. Spent the morning at the Wave Conference with the other leaders from our church. Heard a great message from Bayless Conley on not believing the lies that can worm their way into our heads. Also listened to some of the Hillsong guys talk about how they organize their worship teams at church, and how they handle different situations. I came away with more of an appreciation for these guys than I had before.

+ Spent the afternoon chilling. Read a little, answered emails, listened to music. Took a walk to the beach, which was 2 blocks from the house we were staying in. It was freezing. Must have been 50 degrees with a stiff wind whipping in off the water. I went down there to get a picture of me in my new shirt. (That might be the most un-manly sentence I’ve ever typed.) I bought the shirt from Carlos Whittaker at He donated all his proceeds to the Global Food Crisis, plus it’s a cool shirt. I took about 20 pictures, and ended up with only a few in which I didn’t look like a complete moron.

+ After the final session at Wave Conference (which was great), I drove home with my friends Dwight and Peggy. We left at 10pm and got back around 3am, but the 5 hours flew by thanks to great company and good conversation. And yes, for the record, I do soap before I shampoo. And anyone who does it differently is abnormal.


+ When I got in at 3am on Saturday morning there were 3 handmade cards waiting for me in the kitchen. There must have been some chopped onions lying around or something because my eyes got a bit watery. My fam is the best.

+ Slept in until 10am and spent the day with the kids while Erica went to work. I decided on the spur of the moment to redesign the front page of my website using one of the pictures I took at the beach. That took a few hours, but I’m pretty happy with the result. You can check it out here.


+ Had a great time playing guitar on the worship team for both our 9am and 11am services. Can’t really think of a better way to start a day. My bro-in-law Chad does a great job leading the team and the congregation…I’m so thankful to be able to serve under him and to be able to use the sliver of talent I have to help people connect with God by praising Him.

+ Went to Parker’s soccer tournament. It was the final day of the season and all 8 teams played 3 games, after which the top 4 teams advanced to the playoffs. Parker’s team (Argentina) was one of the better ones. They went 2-1 in the round robin and earned a semi-final match-up against Germany. The game was tied after regulation and a 5-minute OT, so they had to go to penalty kicks, and Parker’s team lost 2-1. I don’t think Parker minded too much though, halfway through his last game (his fourth 20-minute game of the day) he said, “I’m tired of playing soccer”.

+ After soccer we watched some football with Than and Kandace, then I played Wii with Parker, then I played living room tackle football with Parker, then I played a board game with Kylie, then we put the kids to bed and Erica and I watched the Phillies and vegged on the couch before crashing.

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. If you’ve made it this far, I’m impressed. Give yourself a pat on the back and get back to work…