Let's Talk About Bread

I wanted to add a follow-up thought to the Law of the Bakery thoughts I had yesterday. Geof mentioned in the comments that sometimes we don’t want to make ourselves available because it means giving up control. It got me thinking of other reasons why we tend to focus more on our own resources and limits.

Right after Jesus defied the Law of the Bakery by feeding thousands of people with a few loaves (for the second time), he gets in a boat with His disciples and they realize they only have one loaf of bread with them.

Do they all immediately turn to Jesus and ask Him to do some more God-magic on their solitary loaf of Wonder Bread like He had just done? Not according to the scripture, which says that they started having discussions about the bread. Who forgot to bring the rest of the bread? How are we going to split this up? Is there anyone here who wants my crust?

You can almost see the flabbergasted look on Jesus’ face when he says, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are Your hearts hardened?…Do you not remember? ” (Mark 8:17,18)

Ouch. That hurts. But it’s the same question I pose to us (myself especially). Why do we get so focused on our own limitations and resources when a limitless God wants to work through us?

+ Do we not understand? Maybe some of us just don’t get it. God really can do great things through us. If that’s the case, we can pray for faith to believe.

+ Are our hearts hardened? Maybe we know it’s true, we just don’t care. If that’s the case, we can pray for God to give us the desire to be stretched and used.

+ Do we not remember? Maybe it’s been so long since we made ourselves available to God that we’ve forgotten how He works? If that’s the case, let’s make ourselves available to Him.

Regardless of where we are, I think one thing we can all do is start talking less about how much bread we do or don’t have, and start talking more about the one who could feed the masses with just a crumb.

The thing is, God often uses the weak, the foolish, and the humble. Doesn’t that prove it’s not really about us as much as it is about Him? Personally, I’m going to try and remember that the next time I get too focused on how much or how little bread I have.

Easier said than done, I know, but I think it’s absolutely worth trying. (and if it ever leads to an amazing story of God using me to do something I am incapable of doing on my own, I’ll definitely share it here. I’d be honored if you did the same.)