I’m on the internet every day. Sometimes it’s just for a few minutes here and there, other days I’m logging in 8 hours or more. Here are the sites I am on every day.
- GMail – to check email obviously. GMail is a no-brainer to me. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have one. You can access it everywhere, it has the best interface I’ve ever used, and it’s Google. Who doesn’t love Google? I check my email from my iPhone when I’m out and about, but normally GMail is the first place I go when i get in front of a computer.
- Google Reader – I’ve got 96 subscriptions in my google reader, a number I’m pretty comfortable with. I categorize my feeds into things like “My Peeps”, “Voices”, “Spiritual”, “Sports”, “Development”, “Writing”, “Tech News”, “Music News”, and “My Blogs”. (i’d get into my favorite feeds, but that’s another post)
- Yahoo Fantasy Sports – In my opinion it’s the best interface going for Fantasy. ESPN is a bit slicker in design, and I do like their football product, but for fantasy baseball (which i check every day) i like the familiarity and reliability of Yahoo.
- Prayers For Blowouts – My sports/faith blog. If one of the other writers makes a post, I get the update in my Reader, but I still like to take a look at the site every day to make sure it’s still there looking swell. I also like to check My Mint to see how many folks are checking the site and where they’re coming from.
- ESPN.com – I know some people get there sports news elsewhere, but I still go to the four-letter to get my sports news. While I’m there I’ll check on Billy Simmons to see if he’s got anything new for me to devour. (If I’m strictly looking for scoreboard info, I usually use Sportsline.com…I just like their interface better)
- Other sites I will probably hit up while I am online: my twitter, facebook, and the 5-day forecast.