To those who have asked how my stand up show went on Saturday, thanks for asking!
It went pretty well! We had over 60 people packed into a pretty small room and I think we all had a lot of fun. I ended up doing 36 minutes, which was almost as much as my total combined stage time to that point (43 mins), so yeah, I was in over my head just a little.
But all things considered it went great, and the feedback I got was very positive. In watching the video back it was obvious to me that there’s so much I can get better at, but that will come with time and more work. For now, it was a win.
Here are two clips from the show. Not sure if I’ll release any more publicly for a while, but I will probably make a bunch more available to members of the BASIC. So if you’d like to see more, join up for free, and those will be available in the next week or two.