An Invitation to The BASIC

I don’t know how many of you out there would actually consider yourself “fans” of what I do, but for those of you who would use that term loosely, this post is for you.

In fact, if you already know you want to join my Special Insiders Club, don’t bother reading all this and just sign up. It’s free and fun and just might change your life:

Sign Up For the Bryan Allain Special Insiders Club

But for the rest of you…

2014 is going to be a fun year. I’m going to be stepping out and trying some new things. I’m going to be re-trying some old things. I’m going to be un-trying some bad things.

I’m planning on doing more of the one thing I love to do above all else: make you laugh.

Now, for those of you who think I’m barely amusing on a good day and could take or leave my humor, the rest of this post isn’t really for you. No hard feelings, I promise.

But for those of you who want to go a little bit deeper down the rabbit hole with me, I’d like to invite you to be a part of a little community I am building around my humor.

Introducing, The BASIC. (Because I love anagrams.)

I have a vision for what this community may eventually become, but for now it will be a simple email list that I’ll use to keep you completely connected to what I’m up to.

You’ve got 10 Questions, I have 10 Answers.

1. Do you really think you can build a huge, thriving fan club for yourself?

Huge? No. I’d actually prefer that this start off smallish for better interactions.

Thriving? Yes. I have a lot of energy for this and think it’s going to be fun.

And I never called it a fan club.

2. Will it cost money?

Of course not.

3. So this is like a newsletter?

No. A newsletter is something you send out regularly because you’re supposed to. This will be driven by connection and community, not a calendar.

6. So it is a newsletter.

Well sort of, but in the most informal, enjoyable way possible. I have hopes and dreams that I’ll be doing humor for a long time in many different ways, and if that happens this community will be a huge part of that journey.

I’ll also be going more in-depth into my journey of quitting my day job (back in August 2012) and what it has looked like since then and going forward. No punches pulled, just the real truth of it all.

7. Will there be perks?

Perks might not be the right word, but I’ll definitely share some extra goodies related to me and my comedy that you might care about.

For instance, I shared a 15-second clip of my first open mic but I haven’t shared the whole three minute set yet. That’s something I would share with The BASIC.

(Some would call that a perk, others would call that torture.)

So you’ll get stuff like that. Outtakes from videos, insights into my plan and process, and other behind the scenes stuff from my life. And remember, I KNOW most people won’t care about this stuff. It’s just for the few of you who do.

8. Are you struggling to come up with ten questions?

Yes, thanks for the help with that freebie.

9. I want nothing to do with this, what’s the next step?

Close this tab in your browser and go back to eating muddy buddies.

10. Maybe I’m on drugs, but I actually want to be a part of this. What next?

Here’s the link. You’ll have to confirm your email address like with any other mailing list, so just follow the instructions.

Sign Up For the Bryan Allain Special Insiders Club

I’m slightly nervous but mostly excited to get this going, it’s gonna be a lot of fun.

And by “fun”, I mean “wicked awesome.”

And by “wicked awesome”, I mean “wicked awesome” because I say what I mean!!!

Seacrest out.

PS…If you have any questions about it, ask me in the comments and I shall respond promptly and with much gusto.